WIMISOM Conducts Zoom Advocacy Meeting on Barriers Against Women’s Digital Rights In Somalia
On 19 October 2021, WIMISOM organized a Zoom advocacy meeting on the barriers against women’s digital rights in Somalia. The meeting came after two roundtable discussions held in Garowe and Mogadishu respectively. The objective of the meeting was to share and discuss the outcomes of the roundtable discussion with relevant authorities to discuss ways of …
WIMISOM Organizes Training on Human Rights Reporting and Safety Measures for Female Journalists
With support from the National Endowment for Democracy, WIMISOM organized a four-day Training on Human Rights Reporting and Safety Measures for fifteen journalists from Puntland and Galmudug. The objective of the training is to impart in trainees understanding of human rights and rights violations and to provide guidelines and principles for human rights reporting. The …
WIMISOM Organizes a Roundtable Discussion On Barriers Against Women’s Digital Rights In Somalia In Mogadishu
Women In Media Initiative Somalia (WIMISOM) organized one day roundtable discussion for relevant stakeholders in Mogadishu. These diverse participants brainstormed and evaluated the challenges facing women in their quest for digital rights in Somalia. Shugri Gashan, who officiated the discussion on behalf on WIMISOM has stated the objective of this activity and the overall project …
WIMISOM Concludes A Roundtable Discussion On Barriers Against Women’s Digital Rights in Somalia Held in Garowe
Women In Media Initiative Somalia (WIMISOM) organized one day roundtable discussion for participants from the ministries of information, telecommunication, women development and education, women rights organizations, ICT education institutions, media, internet service providers and other relevant stakeholders in Garowe. These diverse participants brainstormed and evaluated the challenges facing women in their quest for digital rights …
WIMISOM Organizes Basic Journalism Training for Early Career Female Journalists
Women in Media Initiatives Somalia (WIMISOM) organized Training of Basic Journalism for Early Career Female Journalists in Garowe. The two-day training which started on May 29, 2021 and ended on May 30, 2021 was participated by 15 female journalists and graduates of Journalism schools based in Puntland. The objective of this training was to impart …
WIMISOM Organizes Basic Journalism Training for Early Career Female Journalists Read More »
WIMISIOM oo Tababar Tababaranimo Ugu Qabtay Weriyayaal iyo Macalimiin Saxaafadeed Magaalada Garoowe
Ururka WIMISOM oo gacan ka helaya hay’adda National Endowment for Democracy NED ayaa magaalada Garoowe ee caasumadda Puntland kusoo gabagabeeyey tababar tababaranino oo soconayay muddo laba maalmood ah. Tababarkan oo loo qabtay 10 qof oo isugu jira suxufiyiin mudo dheer ku jirey saxaafadda, tababarayaal iyo macalimiin ka howlgala machaddo saxaafadeed oo ku yaala degaano kala …
WIMISOM Organizes Training of Trainers for Senior Journalists and Journalism Teachers in Garowe
WIMISOM has organized and held in Garowe a two-day training of trainers (TOT) on facilitation of effective trainings on principles of good journalism. The training was implemented with support from National Endowment for Democracy NED and is part of a project on Enhancement of the Capacity of Female Journalists. The beneficiaries of the training included …
WIMISOM Organizes Roundtable Discussion On the Challenges Facing Women in Journalism and Their Role in Fighting GBV in Commemoration of 16 Days of Activism Against GBV
WIMISOM organized roundtable discussion on the challenges facing women in journalism and their role in fighting GBV. Women organizations’ leaders, civil society members and female journalists from many regions of Somalia have participated in the roundtable discussion and have contributed their insights and personal experiences onthe challenges they have faced in the course of their …
WIMISOM Concludes Three-Day Training of Trainers on Digital Security for Somali Women Journalists in Garowe
With support from CIPESA, Women in Media Initiatives Somalia (WIMISOM) concluded three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) on Digital Security for 15 women journalists in Garowe. The three-day training that started on November 30, 2020 and ended on December 2, 2020 was attended by 15 women journalists representing print, electronic and online news outlets based in …