
Kulan doodeed laga hadlay sababa kororka kusfiga iyo dilka ayaa lagu qabtay Magaalada Garowe.

Garowe: Ururka Women In Media Initiative WIMI oo taageero ka helaya hay’adda ADRA Somalia ayaa magaalada Garowe ku qabtay 16 May 2019 Kulanka WIMI Stage oo lagu soo qaatay dood cilmiyeed ujeeddadeedu ahayd sababaha kordhiyey kufsiyada dilku weheliyo iyo tacaddiyada ka dhanka ah haweenka ee  ka dhaca deegaannada Puntland. Kulankan oo ahaa dood kooxeed waxaa …

Kulan doodeed laga hadlay sababa kororka kusfiga iyo dilka ayaa lagu qabtay Magaalada Garowe. Read More »

Interactive debate held by WIMI in coordination with ADRA Somalia focuses on the Causes of Increase in Rape Cases

Garowe: Women in Media Initiative WIMI in coordination with ADRA Somalia has organized and held in Garowe on the 16th of May 2019 an interactive debate on the “Causes of Increase in rape cases” and violence against women. The event was attended by university students, youth organizations, women organizations leaders, intellectuals, community activists, and members …

Interactive debate held by WIMI in coordination with ADRA Somalia focuses on the Causes of Increase in Rape Cases Read More »