A two-day workshop on Enhancing the Visibility of Women in Politics through Communication and Social Media Training was aimed at enhancing women’s political participation in local and national elections and also to provide women with the tools and confidence they need to increase their visibility and make a greater impact in the political arena.

The workshop brought together 20 women politicians and aspiring political leaders from across Puntland. The participants were trained in various aspects of communication and social media, including public speaking, media relations, digital campaigning, and building a strong political brand.
The facilitators shared their insights and expertise on how women politicians can use communication and social media to effectively communicate their message and connect with voters.
Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, participants learned strategies to effectively convey their ideas, engage with the media, and establish a compelling political brand.

The participants appreciated the workshop and found it to be very informative and useful. They said that the training would help them to improve their communication skills and use social media more effectively in their political campaigns.
During the sessions of the workshop, participants engaged in group discussions to facilitate brainstorming and learning with feedback and contributions from the facilitators.

The workshop also provided a supportive and inclusive space for participants to network, share experiences, and learn from one another. The purpose was to empower and enable them to overcome barriers and challenges they may face in their political journeys.
The sessions of the workshop also facilitated a supportive and inclusive space for participants to network, and experience sharing among themselves with the backdrop of previous elections and the challenges that women faced during previous elections. The purpose was to empower and enable them to overcome barriers and challenges they may face in their political journeys.
The participants left the workshop with a better understanding of how to use communication and social media to enhance their visibility and effectiveness as political leaders.

The training was implemented with support from the United Nations Support Office in Somalia – UNSOM