WIMISOM organized today in Galkaio leadership and networking training for Mudug female journalists’ union to impart knowledge and skills which facilitates the union’s development and the advancement of its members’ career and development.In his opening remarks. WIMISOM Head of Programs Yahye Mohamed reiterated the intention of the training to facilitate discussion among female journalists on the mechanisms for enhancing networking and fostering a culture of peer-to-peer learning.

The event brought together 20 female journalists including the leadership of the union. In the sessions, several key topics were discussed including organizational development; members networking; conflict resolution; schemes for resource pooling and experience sharing; facilitating professional development opportunities for members, and instilling a culture of leadership and volunteerism.

The journalists discussed the important role that the union can play in facilitating experience-sharing and mentoring for newcomers to the journalism profession. They emphasized that early-career female journalists can benefit much from voluntary and guided learning experiences from veteran female journalists who know what it takes to make it in the journalism environment in Somalia. Also, the attendees brainstormed ways to maintain unity and close collaboration between female journalists.

The participants have stressed the importance of women’s leadership in media houses and the effect that can have on the morale and motivation of new entrants to the profession. They have agreed on the need for personal growth, networking, and support for one another to usher in a culture of leadership among women in media themselves. This opportunity laid the foundation for improving the networking mechanisms of the union to facilitate experience sharing and growth of the union members while engaging constructively with media development partners and other stakeholders.

WIMISOM stands for realizing its vision of empowered women in media who can affect change in Somali women’s lives. Providing platforms and facilitating networking and collaboration among women in media is a key component of our mission along with capacity injection and improving the knowledge and skills of female journalists.