WIMISOM organized a three-day Training for Journalists on Reporting on Puntland Local Government Elections in Garowe today. The training was held for twenty-five journalists from different media houses in Garowe. The training is intended to enhance journalists’ understanding of the Puntland electoral system, election laws, election reporting procedures, the role of the media in election coverage, and the safety of journalists during elections. The training also intended to improve journalist capacity in providing effective coverage to female candidates in line with increasing political participation of women.
On the opening day of the training, Executive Director of WIMISOM Nasro Abdirisak spoke of the importance of this training at this time, and the role journalists and the media can play in presenting the needs and priorities of communities. She also emphasized the need for enhanced coverage of women candidates.

Member and Spokesperson of the Puntland Independent Election Committee Abdinur Sh. Mohamed reiterated journalists’ responsibility to properly report elections with regard to existing laws and guidelines. He encouraged the journalists to work cautiously, especially when reporting on election results.

Deputy Minister of the Puntland Ministry of Women Development and Family Affairs Amin Mohamed Harigle stated that elections are sensitive in nature and that journalists should work with transparency and justice while working and reporting on elections. She thanked WIMISOM for organizing such training. Puntland Minister of Information, Communication, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture, Mohamud Aydid Dirir who officiated the opening of the training has stated the repercussions of inaccurate reporting on election proceedings and results and that it could lead to unrest and violence. He encouraged journalists to give equal access to competing political associations.
During the sessions of the training, participants engaged in group discussions to facilitate brain storming and learning with feedback and contribution from the trainers. The sessions of the training also facilitated experience sharing among themselves with the backdrop of previous elections and the challenges that come with covering and reporting on popular elections.

The training is expected to improve their understanding of the role of media during local government elections including fact checking, information gathering, and responsible reporting in the different stages of elections. This will be contribute to enhancing journalist’s skills in exercising responsibility during reporting in the sensitive election cycle and avoiding inflammatory reporting. The training was implemented with support from the United Nations Support Office in Somalia – UNSOM.